If you are reading this post, you are probably excited to bring your own food, drinks or cake.
First of all, I would like to remind you that all of our bowling restaurants are full food production facilities. With a kitchen with a huge number of workshops and complex processes. Including pastry, meat and fish, preparation, vegetable and other shops, with a huge bar and cool cooks, pastry chefs and bartenders.
And the second is that we have several tens of thousands of people going to us every month.
Because of this, we have a lot of responsibility and a lot of restrictions to ensure food safety - all products that are on BrooklynBowl premises must have the appropriate quality certifications, which only large wholesale suppliers can give. This is especially true for dairy, meat, and alcoholic beverages - you may have heard of systems like EGAIS, MERCURY, and Honest SIGN. It's like Plato, only for restaurants.
In addition, all processes at the production facility itself must be built according to the HACCP system, which is a system for ensuring quality control and safety of food production. It is HACCP that expressly forbids even just cutting the cakes brought in. Incidentally, since February 15, 2015, it has become mandatory for all restaurants and penalties have been introduced for each violation up to 300,000 roubles
Here Tinkov Magazine has described this system in great detail, we will not repeat ourselves)
Also, on the basis of the Government of the Russian Federation from September 21, 2020 N 1515 “On Approval of the Rules of public catering services” p.4 The Contractor has the right to independently establish in places of rendering services rules of conduct for consumers, not contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation. It is forbidden to consume your own food and drinks on the territory of BrooklynBowl restaurants.
Here are additional links to regulatory documents:
As a result - as much as we would like to, we cannot allow you to bring any food with you and consume it on the premises of our restaurants. This directly violates the current legislation of the Russian Federation, internal regulations on food safety and puts our favorite guests at risk, which we cannot allow.
At the same time, we try to do everything for your convenience - you can order any customized cake from our cool pastry chef Andrey Koryakov, as well as sign up for an excursion to our kitchen, get acquainted with chef Vyacheslav Ivasenko and taste the delicious dishes of our restaurant. I am sure that you will not remain indifferent;)
Thank you for your understanding.
With respect,
Artem Rakhmeev,
founder of BrooklynBowl